Sunday, June 3, 2012

DIY Ombre Shorts

Hello girls! Well this week I got totally bored and I feel like I am wasting a lot of time. It is summer yet it seems like I am a house detainee just sitting, sleeping and eating at home without even bothering to do something valuable and meaningful. 

So, I decided to put a little twist on this vacation and do something innovative and productive. 

I have some questions though to you guys:
1. Do you have pairs of old pants you don't wear anymore? Like those bootleg and elephant pants we wore when we were in elementary?
2. Do you want to have new pairs of shorts?
3. Do you have the luxury of time?
4. Do you have a creative mind?

If the answer in all the questions is YES, then PERFECT! You are in the right page. I consumed 2 days in cutting, ripping, bleaching and dying 6 pairs of old pants and now spending the rest of my vacation getting amazed on how it all turned out to be so new and sassy. 

What you need: 
1. Bleach: Clorox/ Zonrox
2. Laundry Soap
3. Salt
4. Bucket/sink
5. Dye
6. Gloves
7. Hot water

And a kid who is really fun to work with! He thought I was playing so yea, we played. LOL

This is how I ripped it off . (Tutorial on Youtube)

How to bleach:
1. Get a hot water and put it in a bucket/sink
2. Fill the bucket/sink with 2 cups of bleach
3. Add 1 teaspoon of laundry soap
4. Add 2 teaspoons of salt
5. Half dip the shorts and leave it for 2 hours (or until you get the desired color)

How to dye:
1. Put a boiling water into a bucket.
2. Add the liquid dye.
 3. Soak the shorts for 10 minutes while stiring it so the color will spread.
4. Add salt into the bucket then leave it for another 20 minutes or longer until the desired color is achieved.

These methods that I shared were patterned from the methods that bloggers posted, though I made some improvisions and changes to make things simpler and easier. Remember, you'll get really excited but never mind finishing it so fast. It is better if you take your time and arrive into a much wanted outcome. You can also make studded, glittered and ripped shorts. Just get your creativity working and have fun! :)

1. White pants turned into a pink and purple ombre shorts. I gave it as a gift to one of my best friends, hope she liked it! :">

2. Dirty white pants transformed into a violet shorts.

3. Plain pants (which I really didn't like wearing before) turned into an acid washed ombre shorts. This is my favorite!

4. A hurley shorts turned into a bleached ombre shorts. The original might kinda look better but I have 3 of this exact hurley shorts so I decided to do this.

5. This one is different. At first I thought it won't work, but it did and it looks really cute. The old pants I had became this maong and pink ombre shorts with studs.

6. A Mickey Mouse old pants turned skirt.